Pastor's Message

Janeen Smith, Pastor ~ 26418 Mountain Highway E, Spanaway, WA ~ 253-847-8801

Bethany Lutheran Church

Bethany Friends,


I am enjoying the current preview of summer in the Pacific Northwest - how about you?


Here are some updates of which I'm aware for our prayers:


David Bacher begins a long cross-country driving trip today, from Los Angeles back to his internship at NASA in Virginia again. He anticipates arriving Friday the 17th. We pray for God's shield of protection to grant him safety and well-being during this journey, that David stays alert and has opportunity to find enjoyment  and delight in the varied landscapes through which he'll travel. The Lord is my rock and my salvation.


Bridget Adams (Tim Fife's boss' wife), who had collapsed suddenly at home, died in the hospital without regaining consciousness. Her funeral will be this coming Monday. We pray for comfort for her family as they grieve and that they will find hope in the promise of resurrection to new life in Christ Jesus. Because He lives, we also shall live.


Cody Kainoa (friend of Lauren and Aaron Martin) was diagnosed recently with an aggressive form of lymphoma and has been hospitalized for the past week. Doctors began chemotherapy but had to stop because of his kidneys not working well enough. We pray for the healing power of the Holy Spirit to intercede into all that is threatening Cody's life and for strength to be granted to his wife, Rianna, as she supports him with her love and cares for their two small children, Hunter and Hudson. Lord, have mercy. Christ, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.


Chris Klein is home from the hospital after heart valve surgery on April 30 and doing well in his recovery. Thanks be to God!


Catherine Johnson (my aunt) is in the hospital in Bakersfield, CA after a fall on her knee two days ago. We pray for strength and pain relief for Catherine as doctors determine the best course of action. Grant wisdom, Lord God.


The Lord be with you all!


Pastor Janeen