Just like Easter, I find this time of year a ‘renewing’ time.  After the many years of teaching, the excitement of setting up a classroom for a new school year, meeting new students, and introducing people and activities for the first time.  Watching new learning.  Sometimes faced with excitement and sometimes faced with trepidation, but always accomplished.


I feel that at Bethany.  We are headed into a new phase.  What lies ahead will be new, but with the sameness of our place, our Lutheran belief, and our family of believers we are blessed to travel this path with.  I look forward to welcoming new this fall.  Reaching out and helping others join our family of believers. Thank you for traveling into the future with me.


Find Your Joy!




Happy Birthday to:

Toby G – 27th

Gary K – 29th

Sally W – 29th

Zeal C – 31st

Will S – 31st

Volunteers for Next Sunday :

Altar Guild:  Service of the Word

Ushers – Gary C, Paulette V C

Lector -  Sandy S

Intercess. Prayer – Gail E

Video – Kristi F

Sound – Kerry H


Deuteronomy 4:1-2, 6-9

God’s law: a sign of a great nation

Psalm 15

Lord, who may dwell in your tabernacle? (Ps. 15:1)

James 1:17-27

Be doers of the word, not hearers only

Mark 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23

Authentic religion




Upcoming at Bethany:

Worship Each Sunday at 10 am

Choir resumes in September!  September 8th will be the first day back.  Rehearsal begins at 9:00am.  Choir meets the 2nd and 4th Sundays.  There is space for everyone!

9/1 – Service of the Word

No Sunday School

Property Committee Meeting following Service in the library

2:00 – Memorial Service for Carol Myers

9/2 – Office closed for Labor Day

 9/8 – Special Coffee hour honoring Grandparents

9/19 – Senior Social @ 12:00 in Litzer Hall

9/21 – Memorial for Mike Heseltine 1:00

Janeen Smith, Pastor ~ 26418 Mountain Highway E, Spanaway, WA ~ 253-847-8801

Bethany Lutheran Church