Bethany Lutheran Church

Janeen Smith, Pastor ~ 26418 Mountain Highway E, Spanaway, WA ~ 253-847-8801

We are cleaning out the home that has been in my family for 75 years.  I have found sadness and joy in this process. So much life has been stored in the house and outbuildings. Yes, my parents were born just before the depression and lived through it with their parents.  This means nothing went to waste and nothing was thrown away. There have been many “treasures” discovered. And many broken things.  And many pieces of something that have been turned into a knick-knack.

In a way I am glad to be doing this and not passing it on to my children and my brother’s child to figure it out. I’m at that age where I just want to clean things out, but faced with this task rather than just my own collections is daunting. My parents had collections and hobbies.  My grandparents had hobbies and not as many collections.  But there is still a great deal of STUFF.  The memories are what I find when I look at almost every item.  How do I save those memories?  Who wants those memories when I am done in this world?  Decisions.

Ecclesiastes 3:6 states there is “a time to keep and a time to cast away.”  Recycling and rehoming some of these treasures has been and will be fun.

Find Your Joy!



Happy Birthday to:

Lynda D – 17th

Lucy F – 17th

Patrick C – 19th

Shirley K – 20th



Sunday Volunteers:

Altar Guild:  Lynda D

Ushers – Pat W, Rick W

Lector -  Alan E

Intercess. Prayer – Paulette V C

Video – Wendy Sm

Sound – Jay C


· Volunteers, please let me know your August availability.  Thank you!


Readings and Psalm

Jeremiah 23:1-6

From David’s line, a righteous shepherd for Israel

Psalm 23

The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not be in want. (Ps. 23:1)

Ephesians 2:11-22

Reconciled to God through Christ, our peace

Mark 6:30-34, 53-56

Christ healing the multitudes




 July /August Newsletter will be coming soon.  Please send Kristi anything you would like included. 

 Please send pictures of Pastor Janeen during her time of service to Bethany.  I will even accept printed copies left on my desk!  You may send them to me via text or email both are in the directory.  Wendy Sm

 Row Boat For Sale!  Asking $300 OBO.  Proceeds will be donated toward VBS costs.

See Linda K or the office if interested.

 Save the Date:

 Celebration of Janeen’s service to Bethany and Retirement   Sunday, August 18 Worship at 10:00

Potluck BBQ Picnic afterwards

Further details to follow

Please contact Kelli B if you would like to help with this event.  Sign-up sheet coming soon.




Upcoming at Bethany:

Worship Each Sunday at 10 am

Choir Will Resume in September

8/18 – Church Picnic, Pastor Janeen’s Retirement Celebration